If you spend any amount of time reading or writing Science Fiction, one of the names you’ll come to know is David G. Hartwell, editor of The New York Review of Science Fiction and senior editor at Tor/Forge Books. Mr. Hartwell was kind enough to give us an interview on the topic of Space Westerns, at Balticon 41. — ed. N.E. Lilly
Interview with David G. Hartwell
Aug 5th, 2007 (5:36 minutes)
Interview with Russell Davis
May 4th, 2008 (34:25 minutes)
Russell Davis, author, editor, and recent President elect of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, kindly gave SpaceWesterns.com an interview. — ed, N.E. Lilly
Interview with John G. Cawelti
Dec 7th, 2008 (18 minute read)
Not many people study the Science Fiction or the Western genres academically, let alone the two together. Fewer still have an award named in their honor. John G. Cawelti is just such a pioneer in the study of Popular and American Culture. He was studying Popular Culture before it was popular. That’s why we’re honored that he consented to an interview on the subject of Space Westerns. — ed, N.E. Lilly