Jens Rushing

Jens Rushing is a native Texan living in South Korea with his wife and dog. He was hatched from an egg. Visit his website for his journal, some stories, and nightmare bursts of galimatias.

Corazón—Part 1

Aug 3rd, 2008 (29 minute read)

Jens Rushing brings us a Space Western/Fantasy, in three parts. Part 1 introduces our heroine: Dixie O’Dell. — ed, N.E. Lilly

Corazón—Part 2

Aug 10th, 2008 (28 minute read)

Jens Rushing brings us a Space Western/Fantasy, in three parts. In Part 2 Dixie O’Dell winds her way along the Ghost Trail to track down Gomez. — ed, N.E. Lilly

Corazón—Part 3

Aug 17th, 2008 (22 minute read)

Jens Rushing brings us a Space Western/Fantasy, in three parts. In this final installment, Dixie O’Dell is captured by Gomez. How can she escape, bring Gomez to justice, and thwart the Aztec invasion of Earth? — ed, N.E. Lilly