David B. Riley

lives in Vail, Colorado. He’s been writing for “Too many” years. In addition to numberous short stories, he has published two novels, including The Two Devils, a weird western novel. He’s also edited a number of non-fiction projects and anthologies.

The Preacher

May 13th, 2007 (10 minute read)

Imagine, if you will, a small friendly town, somewhere out West. A friendly little town that’s just plain friendly to everyone, without any alien influence or demonic possession of any kind. Such a town is likely to attract all sorts of weary travellers. — ed. N.E. Lilly

Hanging Judge

May 25th, 2008 (8 minute read)

Justice is a strange quality that societies seek out. It’s complicated by the fact that what may be a punishment for one individual, isn’t necessarily so for another. Civilizations go to extremes trying to find justice. Even farther to find a fair and even-handed judge. — ed, N.E. Lilly