Camille Alexa

Camille Alexa is a full member of Broad Universe and writes for The Green Man Review. Her fiction is forthcoming in Ruins (Hadley-Rille books), Black Box (Brimstone Press), Sporty Spec: Games of the Fantastic (Raven Electrick Ink), and the Machine of Death anthology. Her poetry will be appearing in the March 2008 Humor issue of Star*Line.

The Clone-Wrangler’s Bride

Dec 2nd, 2007 (29 minute read)

The majority of the stories in Space Western fiction are male dominated or from a male point-of-view. I’ve put out a call for more female oriented work, and have received some response. Here’s a quirky little tale that’s neither here nor there, and yet both places at once. — ed. N.E. Lilly